How Many Km Cycling to Lose Weight? (Ultimate Guide)

How Many Km Cycling to Lose Weight?

Cycling for a significant amount of time has been shown to be effective in losing weight. A study published in the “British Journal of Sports Medicine” in 2016 found that those who cycled at an intensity of at least 75% of their maximum heart rate lost more weight than those who cycled at lower intensities.

If you’re looking to lose weight cycling can be a great way to accomplish this. Depending on your weight and cycling experience, biking from place to place can burn anywhere from 300-500 calories per hour. That adds up quickly if you’re trying to drop a few pounds.

There are a few things you’ll need to consider when cycling to lose weight. First, make sure you have the right cycling gear. You’ll want something comfortable, but also breathable so you’re not overheating.

Make sure you have a plan for cycling workouts. Try to vary your ride so you don’t get too comfortable with one type of workout. Finally, make sure you eat healthy before and after your ride to avoid putting on weight while cycling for exercise purposes.

Cycling and energy expenditure

Cycling is a low-impact exercise that is fun and healthy and helps in the prevention and treatment of many diseases like cardiovascular diseases, stroke, some forms of cancer, and even depression. It can be easily merged into day-to-day activities e.g., can be used for transportation.

When it comes to achieving a healthy weight, the first step is to calculate the calories taken by a person and the energy expenditure through workouts. Energy expenditure of any exercise is calculated by the amount of oxygen consumed. According to the American Council on training, one liter of oxygen used is equal to the five (5) calories burned.

Calculating calories burned during cycling is intricate and knotty. Calories burned to depend upon the weight of the person, type of cycling, speed, resistance, metabolic rate, and metabolic equivalents (METs).

When cycling at a moderate speed for 30 minutes 210-230 and 240- 260 calories will be burned approximately for persons weighing 125 and 155 pounds respectively. But for same persons doing mountain biking energy expenditure is 250-260 and 300-320 respectively. The energy consumption of indoor cycling is almost equal to outdoor cycling.

How many km cycling per day to lose weight?

You must remember one thing when it comes to losing weight cycling is that the more time you spend biking, the faster the fat will melt away. However, there’s no magic number for how many miles or kilometers you need to ride to see results. Because it also depends on your diet what kind of food you are eating daily and how much fat or calories consist.

What matters most is that you mix things up and keep your body moving throughout the day. Some ideas for incorporating cycling into your daily routine include: 

  • Biking for 30 minutes after breakfast
  • Cycling outside for 30 minutes before lunch
  • Riding your bike home from work once a week
weight lose by cycling

Also, read

Is bike riding better than walking?

How many km of cycling to lose weight?

A common myth is that you must pedal for hours at a time to lose weight cycling. On the contrary, even 30 minutes of cycling per day can help you burn calories and fat. However, this doesn’t mean that you must cycle for miles on end.

A few short rides around your neighborhood or town can suffice. Just make sure you aren’t overdoing it and give your body the time it needs to properly recover.

How to cycle and lose weight

Cycling is an excellent way to lose weight. When you ride your bike, you burn calories and help to increase your metabolism. Additionally, cycling can also help improve your physical fitness. For these reasons, cycling can be an effective way to lose weight and improve your overall health. But whenever you are planning to start cycling always remember these steps.

Start cycling with an even surface

Cycling is one great way to lose weight and improve your health. A study published in the “British Journal of Sports Medicine” found that cycling can help you lose weight, irrespective of your starting weight.

The study participants who cycled for 30 minutes a day lost more weight than those who only walked or did not exercise at all. This is likely because cycling is a low-impact exercise that can be done on a flat surface, making it accessible to almost everyone.

If you are looking to start cycling as part of your healthy lifestyle, make sure to start with a flat surface. Cycling on hills or uneven surfaces can cause injuries and increase the risk of losing muscle mass and burning more calories than necessary.

Once you’re comfortable, start cycling for weight loss workouts on more challenging terrain.

Do warm-up before and after cycling

Cycling can be a great way to lose weight, but doing some stretching before and after cycling is important to avoid injury. Try doing some hamstring stretches before cycling and calf stretch afterward. You might also want to take a break every 30 minutes or so to stretch your muscles.


Whether you know it or not, you need to lose weight. Losing weight isn’t as hard as you might think. Most of the data on energy expenditure during exercise is based solely on oxygen consumption and the energy consumption is directly proportional to the speed.  

Thank you for reading! We hope this article has helped you to understand how cycling for weight loss can help you to lose weight.